Run Again
Just under a year ago, I ran a marathon. My first, and possibly my only marathon. After that experience I took a long time off from running. Just about a year actually . Oh, I ran sporadically, thinking I would get back to it. But this past year has been full of other people's activities, and a rolling tide of health issues. I've been taking iron supplements for a week now, and it is so wonderful to make it through the day without taking a nap! Last Friday the Mr and I drove down to the Boy's State Track Meet. We were running late, we didn't really know the area, but thankfully we were able to find parking sort of nearby. So we ran - because we had about 10 minutes to get to the gate, buy tickets and get inside to see the Boy run the first of this two races. By the time we sat down I was breathing hard, and a little shaky because I hadn't eaten for hours, but we made. And I made it - running. It was the catalyst for this morning's run. So I ran a mil...