One more moment
I have a chalkboard in the hallway where I leave messages for our kids. A couple of weeks back some words from a Sunday sermon struck me and so I wrote on there, "every moment, every life, #cherish" Over and over again this past week these words have run through my mind. Many of you know what happened to my husband last Friday, the 25th. (If not message me, and I will send you the link to the newspaper story). It was a traumatic day for us, not knowing whether that rock he was standing on was going to hold him up or crumble down the mountain. He made it - obviously - or I wouldn't be here right now, writing this. He got his side of the story told in the paper and to others who have asked throughout the week. Meanwhile, I have been processing and thinking, because that's how I roll. It takes awhile sometimes for the words to make their way through my dense brain. I don't believe in coincidences. And especially not after this day. 1. The Mr put his pho...