Growing Pains
Growing older *can* be a lot of fun. 1. I am finally feeling more comfortable with who I am. 2. I don't mind being silly even if people are watching. 3. I have fun embarrassing my kids. Thankfully #2 and # 3 often go hand in hand. But what isn't fun about growing older is the change in my physical condition! A few weeks back when the weather finally turned sunny here in the Pacific Northwest, I was wearing flip-flops all day, which sent my right foot into hysterics. The tendons were so sore I couldn't put any pressure on my foot; I couldn't move it in any direction; I had to use crutches for the evening, and it was just incredibly painful to even touch. By the next morning, the pain was gone. My foot was basically fine - a little tiny tender, but fully functional. Fast forward to Monday morning, I woke up to a sore right arm. It hurt to turn it certain ways; I couldn't pick up my full water bottle even. Once again, the tendons were so sore it just hurt hangin...