Life is full of Surprises

So here's one picture from my birthday that I *forgot* to put on that post last month.

I have had mixed feelings about this for some time. But after my first doctor's appointment this week, I am much more positive about this big change in our lives.
We finally told our other 4 what was going on. Now they understand, maybe, a little bit more why Mom is always on the couch sleeping. And they are super excited. I don't think they remember what is was like 4 years ago when the youngest was born and made SO much noise... Of course, she still makes a lot of noise, just a different kind.


  1. Congratulations! Did I just not see the post that implied pregnancy or what?!? What great news for you!

  2. congratulations! that is so exciting. it's funny because dave and i were talking about you guys after the camping trip, hoping you would have another one!!

  3. whoo hoo!!!!! Congratulations!!!

  4. Wow! Congratulations! What an exciting time for your family!

  5. Sounds like you are a busy woman. Congrats on a running a 5K. Especially pregnant. I'm on the tail end of 5 kids, (5K?) and it makes for a busy, exciting and rewarding life. Never a dull moment. However, I am not woman enough to home school. I respect all my home schooling mom friends. Quite a calling, a lot of work and responsibility. God bless you!

  6. apparently i need to read my favorite blogs more regularly!!! he he.

    congrats....a little slow on the uptake here, but i am extremely happy for you!!!

  7. YEAH!!! I am so excited for your family!


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