I have a streak of curiosity in me. Often it gets me into trouble. (There was that one incident years ago with a clothesline and loppers); but sometimes my curiosity actually pays off!
Occasionally I will receive 'blind' products in the mail to test and see how they work - and then I take a survey from the company, and get reward points, etc. Well, this time I decided to have my own experiment.

I happened to have both of these fine products in the laundry room, and a pair of very muddy boy's pants. (disclaimer, neither of these companies know me, or know I did this, nor sponsored this very scientific test)
I thought for sure the blue cleaner on the right would be the winner. It has been my go-to stain remover many times.
The results:

I don't know how well you can see it, but the one on the left was the winner! The blue product didn't diminish the stain as well as the green one. Good thing I have plenty of that spray left for upcoming muddy pants.


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