
A happy St. Valentine's Day to you all.
I have finally gotten a hold of a copy of a compilation I put together a few (10!) years ago, which I titled "How We Met". One of my projects is to add to this compilation, or actually print up a second one, since there have been more weddings in our family, and among friends, since 2000.
So today, since we are a little busy around here, I am just going to share an excerpt from one of the stories. It sticks with me, not just because it is from my oldest brother, but because it is a quote from my grandpa who died when I was 5 or 6.
"One interesting event while we were engaged was a discussion we had with my Grandpa K. He made a comment that married life's experiences don't always work out fairly and that you will have to often put up with more than what you feel is fair. He cautioned us to realize that there would be times that we would want to 'kick the other one down the street' and to remember to work through these times."
I love this quote. I remind myself of it a lot. Not because my sweetie is difficult to live with. No, he is quite an easygoing guy. But my own selfishness - that's what gets in the way.


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