In the Orchard 3

 We did it! We finished pruning the older orchard last week!! There may or may not have been a small dance party when the last tree was clipped. It was a great relief to us to get that done mid-January. But that doesn't mean we get to go on vacation quite yet. 

On Saturday we started pruning the new orchard. 6000 trees. Since we planted them just a year ago, they are pretty small and pruning goes a lot quicker. There's more to the shaping of these baby trees. We planted two different varieties in the orchard and we're starting with one variety first. This variety is a bit stronger and healthier looking; which means it's easier to teach anyone how to prune the way the Boss wants. We had 2 of my brothers out helping us (3 kids, me, and the boss) on Saturday and we just flew through the pruning. There's something mentally helpful when you have others volunteer to help you do a tedious job. 

It also helped that my brother and sister-in-law sent us a box of these hand/toe warmers. They worked wonderfully!! I can't believe I never had these before. Life-changing.


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