Friday before the weekend
I got to hear the baby's heartbeat today! It gave me a sense of peace in my mind that the little one is still chugging along, even though I don't always feel so good. And I haven't gained much weight. One pound. 14 weeks. The doctor isn't concerned, so I need not, right? I knew I shouldn't have posted anything yesterday about no hives. I went all day without a Zyrtec and then, boom, right before bedtime they come out of hiding. Bummer. I think it might have something to do with either the cold I am getting or the flu shot I had earlier in the week. Last time I got sick I had them. My weird body. This weekend we will hopefully be working on the deck. It is a mud pit now. Maybe we can get in a small game of mud football before the cement is poured. The boy would love that! Oh, and there is that small thing about costumes and candy ... I think that is tomorrow... the kids will let me know.