Goals for 2021 - Month 2

Just a check in to see where I'm at in my goals for the year 1. Take care of my health . I'm working on eating better. I've done some run/walks the past few weeks. 2. Read through the Bible this yea r. I am still ahead in my reading. Getting to the end of Exodus. I've been reading through the Bible chronologically. So I read some of Genesis, then Job, then back to Genesis and on to Exodus. My husband told me he was done with Exodus and moving on in his reading plan. And, how crazy is this, my competitive side whispered to me, "You need to finish Exodus today and catch up to him." I did not heed my competitiveness this time and I'm sticking to my plan. 3. Projects ! I finished up the two quilts I was working on. One was a birthday gift for my mother in law - a lap quilt. The other was a T-shirt quilt for a friend. It is the second one I have made, and I think I learned a lot on the first one, so the second seemed easier and better. Except for the bindin...