Goals for 2021 Week 2

Just checking in here to see where I am with my goals for this year. Not sure if I will do this weekly or monthly. We'll see.... 1. Take care of my health . I'm working on eating better. And this week I have started being more intentional about when and how and how much I am exercising. 2. Read through the Bible this yea r. So far I am ahead of the game. I read part of Genesis, finished the book of Job and now I'm back in Genesis. 3. Projects ! I'm not working on wood projects yet because of the weather but I am working on quilting projects. I've almost finished two quilts and have plans in my head for at least 2 more. Possibly a baby quilt included for an upcoming birth. Hoping to have those two quilts done this week or next. 4. Landscape . With all this wind and rain rain rain (this IS Oregon after all) I'm just in the planning mode. I'm pretty sure I know where I want to put my herb garden. I read about someone putting in a hydrangea hedge. I wonder h...