Orchard Workouts

It took us 2 Saturdays, but we got the older orchard cleaned up of the pruning. One of drove the 4-wheeler with the trailer attached to it, while two others would walk and pick up the large sticks and branches and throw them into the trailer. It wasn't hard work, but it was a good workout. Our youngest daughter entertained us with a lovely monologue on unicorns. And added some dance moves in too. The other daughter had her music on loud enough for all to enjoy. By taking turns on who walked and who drove, we were able to stay on task better. The Mr. has almost gotten the suckering done too. This year he is doing it by machine instead of us all getting down on our knees and manually clipping the suckers. So the plus side is my knees are feeling good. The drawback is that I didn't get in miles and miles of 'lunges' this year. On the other hand, walking up and down rows in the new orchard, flagging the trees we need to replant, has garnered me lots of steps on my step c...