Get your checkup!

There was a time I did not go to the doctor for regular checkups. There was a time my husband did not go to the doctor for regular checkups. Pretty sure that time is now past us. I listened to that little voice inside of me earlier this year and made my appointment, and actually went to it. I am so glad I did. As I talked with the doctor about changes in my health, she delved a little deeper past the regular tests. And she discovered the cause of some of the changes was cancer. That was not something I was expecting to hear at my age. Thankfully my doctor is thorough. The cancer is low grade and early stage, which is another blessing from going in when I did and talking to her. Surgery is this week (April 13) and that should take care of all of it, without needing any further treatment. We are holding onto that hope until we hear otherwise. I don't write this to gain sympathy but to let you know how important it is to pay attention to changes and to ask the doctor ab...