Game day

Saturday was the Big Day. Our Upward basketball players had their first games of the season. It was So. Much. Fun! Little K is on the 1st-2nd grade team, and we can see the difference already between last year and this year. Her dribbling skills have improved; she can actually get the ball up to the basket and even sometimes into the basket; and she seems to understand the difference between offense and defense this year. Like all my other kids, her defense is definitely a strong point. My kids seem to know how to stay on their player and make them uncomfortable. Which is the only time I can encourage this. Beyond that though, she loves to practice; she loves her team; she loves her coaches; and I think, she loves the game of basketball. She hasn't diagrammed any plays on the white board for us at home, yet, but we are just beginning. Her older sister has come out of retirement and re-entered the basketball arena after a hiatus of a few years. It took her a few practices to...