Looks like we made it

A new year according to the calendar. Seems a lot like the old year.
We spent this last holiday in a similar spot as we have in the past - sick on the couch. Three of us succumbed to whatever gross bug wheedled its way into our home. Thankfully no signs of the other 4 getting it. But all my fun planned for NYE were whisked away. We were going to have friends over and play games and eat amazing snacks.
Instead we ended up playing Pictionary with the girls - they had not played this (!) and enjoyed it; the 7 yr old wants to play it all the time now. We didn't actually use the board game style, just 'freelance' taking turns and guessing at each others Christmas themed drawings. We then got out Trivial Pursuit for Kids - bringing out all the old goodies - and the girls liked that one too. Once again, the 7 yr old asks to play it all the time now.
I didn't last until midnight. I think I might have made it until 1030, since I remember my son getting home from work.

But we're off to new adventures now. A new year brings a new word to mind. Last year I was all about Living an Abundant Life (see John 10:10) Not a life filled with stuff and things, but a life well lived and embraced and enjoyed and whenever possible, say yes. This year I will continue to work on that mindset, to help my family embrace life and living; but also to initiate. This year's word is Initiate. Actually I want to more properly say, Take Initiative. We don't need to sit back and let others invite us over, or sit back and wonder, why don't they ever ask us? We need to be the ones planning, asking, doing. Take Initiative.


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