Latest Adventures

July's adventures were more of the work-on-the-house and the farm-sort of adventures rather than the going-somewhere kind. But we did manage to fit in a trip to the beach.
 It was a beautiful, windy, sunny day at the Oregon coast. We took my sister along to one of our favorite places, Pacific City.
 The kids ran up and down the huge sand dune, played in the water and got sand throughout their hair, clothes, and crevices. Our youngest even made it to the very top of the giant sand "mountain". (She was so tired, even the next day.)
In the past when we have come here, there were not many people. We must have come on the weekdays, because the Sunday we went, it was packed. Look at all the cars on the beach.
There were people all over, except for the little corner we found; it was pretty nice for a picnic and just sitting and relaxing.

This past weekend we made it to another family picnic, for my dad's side of the family.Good food, good people, good games, it was a fun, although hot, day at the park.

Hopefully we'll find some time for more outdoor adventures in August and September.


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