It's September?!

Where did the summer go? Let me revel in it once more by going over our August adventures:
I was part of the Family reunion committee. I don't know that I did much, but it was still something I had to deal with. It was a beautiful hot day at the park getting to see my dad's side of the family.
The kids played on the equipment, played baseball with the cousins, and played the games my sister organized. 

The Mr worked feverishly to get the upstairs bathroom shower ready before our company came, but alas, the shower company was not on our time schedule! So the tile looks great, but there is no glass on the shower yet.
We - well, the girls - spent plenty of time in the water. Here is Little K's pool. The others would use it too, along with sprinklers, to keep cool this hot month.

And then company came. The Mr's brother and his family came from Montana to visit. What fun! We had a beach day, in which they attempted to relocate a little river and stem the tide. I think the tide won. But it was still fun. A number of people came over and asked, "What are you doing?" Some laughed, some shook their heads, some joined in and helped.

The cousins had fun times together digging and moving logs to make the dam.
My hooligans:
But then trying to get a cousin picture? It's like herding cats.
After company left, there was a birthday, which we will gloss right over, and then it was time to prep for my parent's early 60th Anniversary celebration. They are not 'big party' people, so we had everyone meet at a local park and just had a nice time honoring them, and eating cake.

And then, bam, it's time to start school. August flew by me. But I am enjoying a second time around through my pictures.


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