One Secret of a Happily Married Wife

The Mr. works more at a computer now than he did earlier in his career. He used to be out in the fields a lot more. And because he and the team he works with all plant their seats in a seat most of the day, the boss sprang for FitBits for all of them. He wants to keep his workers healthy! He also added in some friendly competition.
The Mr. - being the competitive type - eagerly took to the task. He was already in the process of getting back to running; he had several months off to let his Achilles heal (pun intended!) This FitBit was just an extra push. So because there are points not only for time but also for steps, we have been taking more walks together. It gives us uninterrupted time to talk and listen to each other. The last couple of months feel like some of the best since we got married.
The Mr. also had a chance to do some hiking on his day off last week. Ever since I have known him, he has been a climber - answering the call of the mountains. He was in Central Oregon last week and planned a day to hike partway up North and Middle Sister. It was a gorgeous day, and he was sending me updates and photos over his phone. I must say I was a little envious. He got in a lot of steps that day, along with some terrific pictures.


  1. Look for my name and Jim's in Middle Sister log book. Boy Scout camp hike in 1969.


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