What a week

Change is the ones constant in our lives.
This week has been full of change, like most people's across our area I would suppose.
On Monday we sent our Boy off to another country -- with some wonderful friends, so that helps.

And we got him a Return ticket.

On Wednesday the two older girls returned to school, one as a sophomore and one as a senior. I'm still trying to figure out how she got to be so grown up.

And for the last two days we've only had two girls at home. The older girls' school has an all high school retreat to start the year, so they've not been home at all. It has been quiet around here. On a happy note, I was able to go to bed early and get plenty of sleep one night. What is it with teenagers not wanting to go to bed at night?!

A bit more change -- I've been wanting to update the younger girls' room for awhile, hoping it will help stop the cluttered look. So the three of us went shopping for new lamps, new bedding, and new paint. We'll change the curtains too, and we've rearranged the bed configuration. I'm looking for some frames to put on the walls so there are designated areas for wall art, not just a lot of stuff up all over.
I'm excited about it, my daughter M. is liking it, but change is hard for Little K.  She's had to deal with a lot of it this week too. So much that she was crying one night asking for her old sheets back. We're going to have to really prep her next summer before she loses two siblings to college and her closest sister to away-school.


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