Is it Break Time?

Spring is coming! I know its only January but I can see the daylight growing earlier and longer each day, offering hope of time outside not shivering.
Our holiday break is over and we are back to the routine. Which is a good thing! The first day back to school was a lot easier for us than the second. We were up and going on time, with the only fussiness when it came time to do math. One child has a little problem with wanting to DO math. She's very good at it, and when she is in the right attitude, she can fly through it. The second day ... well, at 9am and I was just starting to eat breakfast, instead of starting school. And now that we are in week 2, well, I'm dreaming again about break time
But about our break ..
We packed it in this time. It felt like it to me even if the kids might not agree. The week before Christmas we took off from homeschool, although the older kids still had class at away-school.
Choir concerts,
singing at the Capitol,

dentist and ortho appointments,
and swim meets took up that week, while I tried to find time in between to do gift shopping.
 The kids are all really good about buying each of us gifts, so seven people wanting to go to the store, and only four drivers, but we managed. One night, the Mr and I got to go gift shopping together, looking for things for the kids. That was a lot off fun!
The girls and I went to a movie, nothing amazing (Return of Mary Poppins), but I hardly ever go to a theater, and I took my eight year old also, so pretty significant day for us .
We visited both sets of parents, and had lunch with friends.
The youngest sang up front in church ... I wish I had gotten video of that. She was really getting into the song. The other kids were singing too, and snapping their fingers on the beat, but little K was putting some groove into it.
And then it was Christmas Eve. After candlelight service we 7 came home to eat the traditional chili dinner, and open our presents from each other.
So many late nights! I think this is the first year I did not make traditional Christmas cookies and treats. I was never home long enough to do it. I made a number of batches of chocolate chip cookies for gifts though, as requested by certain family members.
 Christmas day was spent at my brother and sister in-law's home, with my extended family. It was a fun relaxing day, but the seven off us agree that it was different somehow. No board games played and my dad wasn't there because he was sick. The game we did play -- the saran wrap ball game -- was fun, but seemed low key this time, and a number of family members couldn't be there or had to leave early. It was still a great time, just different.
Yes! I can read these clues!
After Christmas our house calmed down a bit, but with seven there's always activity. Our two youngest stayed two nights with cousins which made for a different dynamic at home. The Girl who Swims had daily doubles all Christmas break, so we didn't see much of her; she basically slept, ate, swam, repeat. She did join us for movies and food.
There was a Christmas party we went to,
and a couple of swim meets,
more dental appointments, ouch,
and day to day life that filled up the time. New Years Eve game night with friends.
We finished the break with an outing to the snow.

Basketball games started this past weekend for my little K. And her first violin lessons this week too.

K in the red uniform
So spring is coming, the trees in the field are planted, (more to come) and we've been working on those, staking, trimming, just little things that need to be done. I've been cleaning and starting to declutter as I put away my Christmas decor,  looking forward to sunny days, flowers blooming and exploring the world with my kids.


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