Back Again

Hello old friend,  I came across this post I forgot to publish way back in July. I decided to go ahead and publish it now and then come back and update ...

How have you been? I've been gone awhile. Sorry about that. I think this spring and summer have been the busiest, most stressful time of my life.
So many things have fallen off my To-Do lists and down into the cracks of the abyss, you being one of them. Not because of anything you have done. No, it's all me this time. My mind has been traveling too fast, for too long. over too many roads.

Our daughter graduated from high school this past June. We've been through the process once before, so you would think I would be prepared for it. And I was! I had the announcements ordered in time, and her grad party planned out ahead of time. Of course, I put it on a weekend when a lot of people were not in town - Memorial Weekend. Not a smart move there, but we got it done. It still amazes me how much is involved in graduating from high school these days. Or maybe it's just that when I graduated I was so not aware of all that needed to be done/bought/prepared/thought about.

The weekend of graduation also was the weekend all the in-laws were coming to town for the family get together. We all looked forward to it again this year, because the first grandbaby would be there. Our first grand-nephew on the Mr's side came for a visit - along with his parents - all 8 months of chubby baby goodness. Getting the event planned and put together wasn't a problem, thankfully we'd done it before also. Just one more thing on that list. Thankfully only  a few things fell off the list into the "I forgot that! abyss".

And then the big news. We're moving. We've lived in this cute little-now-big house for 20 years. We've dreamed of moving to the country for years, and it looks like it is finally coming true. Now that the Mr is a true Farmer (while holding down is full time job on the side) we have made the hard choice to sell our home, which just happens to be in a super wonderful neighborhood. If only I could pack them up and take them with me ... I know my youngest would be happy if I could! So packing and cleaning and searching for a house, and being ready for a showing ... I have never had to do this before. Not really. I mean we did try and sell back in 2011 before we added on more rooms; but it seemed a lot more intense this time. Probably because we were a lot more serious about moving!
We've had plenty of showings and one family wants to actually buy our home! They've made an offer, we've accepted, and now the wheels are turning. There's a house inspection this week, which means a few minor things have to be taken care of before he visits.


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