Working on a weekend

 Three weeks have passed since surgery, and it has been a humbling time. 

I am not supposed to lift anything over 10 pounds. My family has been extra cautious, not letting me lift anything remotely heavy. For someone independent like me, that has been tough. As the weather finally turns nice, and the outdoor projects call my name, I chafe at not being able to lift heavy things. I have things to build! I have dirt and compost to move! I have brush to haul. I have things to do!! But I am trying to be good and wait the full 6 weeks for healing. Because really, my family needs me back to full health by then too, not relapsing because I was impatient. 

Thankfully I am healing well, and there will be no more treatments needed. I am looking forward to hiking and running again, and being back to 100%

So out in the orchard this week, I was the designated driver. The task this time was to spread fertilizer on the new orchard, by hand. We did not broadcast it (fling by machine alllll over) because of cost, and because of weeds and because the rate for the trees planted this year versus those planted last year, was a different rate. Which means, we got to hand apply the fertilizer. So on Friday, a day off from school, I drove the cart and the girls took a bucket and scoop and measured and poured the right amount per tree. 6000 trees. Actually, not quite that many because The Mr had started the process earlier and we were just helping. We probably did 3000 trees this weekend. It went quickly with the help of my sister on Saturday, and the Mr at the end of the day. I helped as I could, holding a much smaller bucket of fertilizer and not walking nearly as much as the others did. And that was hard for me, because I wanted to help, but I had to let my kids step up and do the majority of the work, and all the heavy lifting. 


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