
Dear Librarian,

I am sure enjoying the new checkout system that our library has! You set your books down and zap, they are checked out. It's almost that easy.
Ii haven't had time lately to stop at the local bookstore (to get more books from L.M. Montgomery), but I regularly take the girls to the library, so here's what I have on my reading stand this week:
1. Bess and Harry - a biographical rendering of the Truman's. Just finished this one, and I really liked it. They seem like normal people .. not like anyone in politics today.
2. The Oregon Trail, a New American Journey. - I have yet to start this one, it's about two brothers who take a covered wagon on the entire Oregon Trail, in 2007.
3. The Orphan Train Girl - I'm going to start this one later today when we have reading time. About an orphan who ends up with a lady who was also once an orphan.
4. Bing - a biography on Bing Crosby. love his movies; I wonder if I will like them still once I finish the book.
5. 700 Sundays - Billy Crystal's autobiography
6. A Memory Between us - second in the series Wings of Glory - a WWII fictional series, because sometimes I need some lighter, fun reading.

What's on your reading stand?


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