
Funerals can be inspirational.
Or rather, the memorial service can be.
Today the Mr and I attended a memorial service for a dear man, a great man, a wise man. Over and over again those were the words used to describe this older friend of ours. And it wasn't just platitudes being said about a life well lived. We knew this man, the Mr knew him more than I, but those were also the words my husband used to describe him.
As I sat listening to brothers talk of their sibling, grandchildren talk of a grandpa, and friends reminisce on a friendship, I thought How would I want to be remembered? How will I or our children speak of my Mr when that day comes?
I hope we will run the good race (figuratively and literally). I hope we will find strength in the hard challenges, and display grace in tough times.
And I hope that it is a celebration of Life not just a mourning.
Deuteronomy 30:19 " ... choose life that you and your children may live ..."


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