Science in a box

Shh, don't tell my kids but I got them an educational gift.
I'm a little late to figure this out, but I'm so glad I tried it! I ordered my 12 yr old a Tinker Crate, and my 8 year old a Kiwi crate. ((And no, I have not been paid to post this))
For the past few hours, (on a Saturday!) my child has been learning about hydraulics and robotics. Without me making her.
Without me reading some dry textbook to her.
My younger girl made a periscope. On her own, following the instructions.
I remember doing hat with my brothers as an kid,but I wouldn't have thought of it for my kids.
Last month Little K learned about the body, and sewed some felt organs. Miss M learned about electrical currents and made a paint spinner.
They are so excited when they know the Box is on its way. Of course they love to get mail with their names on it. And they dig in as soon as they can. They enjoy making whatever comes in the kit, and I love that they are learning about 'science' even though we don't call it that.


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