Summertime Traditions

Summer is almost over.
We've had lots of family time this summer, as I might have mentioned in previous posts. August slipped past us quickly.
We started the month with another family picnic, this time on my Dad's side of the family. He is one of two of his family left.
We ate, we visited, we played games. This year the games were not the traditional races or feats of strength (3-legged race is brutal). We did some "Minute to Win It" like games instead.
Besides the wind blowing the red plastic cups off the tables, it was a fun time. And there were water balloons to throw at my brother in the end. Somehow he got a hold of a few and soaked our dad with them. I'll be surprised to see if he's still in the Will.

Little K has her ballet camp again this year. She wasn't so sure she wanted to go back on the second day because her muscles hurt. But she made it through the week and really enjoyed it! We get to see the results when she puts on Shows at home.

The County Fair is another tradition we look forward to each August. This time around though it was a lot smaller than in the past - fewer exhibits; no rides except for bouncy house type of rides; it even seemed like there were fewer animals in the barns. Of course by the time we left, the girls had made plans for raising bunnies, chickens, and cows someday.

Church in the Park is one more tradition for August. We joined 1000 other close friends at the local park for worship and teaching, with a huge potluck barbecue following that. It's a highlight of the summer for all of us - having church outside, hanging out with friends, and playing for hours afterward.

We were lamenting that we didn't do any hiking this summer ... where did the time go? Well the month isn't quite over....


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