This is 46

This birthday was unlike any other. I usually get to pick where we go for my birthday - and I usually head to the beach. 
We did make it to the sand on Friday night. We had dinner at the restaurant, and then got a short time to walk on the beach. Little K was not feeling well, and I didn't want to stay out too late because I had plans for the next morning. Beautiful weather, delicious food, good company. It was a great start to my birthday weekend. 

  Early Saturday morning I got up to run a 5K to raise money for a pregnancy center. I love babies, and what better way to celebrate MY birth-day than to help others get to their birth-day! I had a great run - coming in under 30 minutes... which I haven't done in a long, long, long time. I even placed first in my age group. A BIG thank you to all of you who sponsored me - you gave the best birthday gifts of all!
Right after that I hurried drove home ever so slowly and cautiously, to clean-up and head out with the family. We drove east to the Sisters Wilderness Area. Our son and a few friends hiked in on Fri night, leaving the pickup on the south side of the trail. Our plan was to get that pickup and drive it to the end of their trail on the north side. All was going as planned ... we had lunch in the car on the way over; we had snacks; we had water; we had each other to entertain; We got the pickup and the two vehicles headed north;
At some point we received a text from our son that we didn't quite know how to interpret. Did he mean they were going back to the south side, or pressing on, via a different trail, to the north side? Well we decided to follow the original plan. We stopped for fuel - gasoline for the truck and ice cream for the people. We drove to the north side, continually trying to text the Boy for specifics. When we reached the trailhead, there was blessedly a parking spot right by the trail. A great place to leave their vehicle! And we started hiking ((see, we did get some hiking in !!)) By this time our stomachs are telling us it's suppertime. I made sure to pack plenty of snacks, but sometimes that just isn't enough to quiet that little voice. We had a beautiful hike, despite the not-knowing where our boys were. As the soon started to set we realized we needed to get down the trail and back to our vehicle. No word from the boys (because, obviously they had no cell coverage) yet, and it was getting dark. The drive back to the south side would be 2 hours. Or we could sit and wait on the north side. We drove to where we could get cell signal, called some people, and decided to go check the north trailhead one more time before heading south. When we got there the pickup was gone. Glory! I have never been so happy to see a vehicle missing! The boys smartly stayed with the original plan and made it out just fine. 
As I write this I think, not such a big deal. But You have to remember, I was up early that morning, had already run a PR in a 5K, probably didn't have enough water or food to restock, and I had hiked 6 miles. Oh, and one more thing, this area was the same wilderness area that my husband had had his accident in. So I might have been a bit more emotional and illogical.
It was a late night for us - a quick stop of McD's, the only open restaurant/store in the little town of Sisters; and a long drive home. I got to bed after midnight, not really sure what time. And I slept most of Sunday morning. 
The Birthday weekend got better after that adventure. My sister brought over some treats, my in-laws brought over some treats; and I didn't have to cook supper, the kids took care of that. 
My actual birthday was pretty low-key. It was a Monday, so the normal chores took place, although I wasn't in my normal work mode. The Mr. and I went out for dinner, to Olive Garden; we haven't gone there on a date in over 10 years. It's still delicious! We had cupcakes and ice cream in the evening, and my kids showered me with gifts. The perfect wrap up to my birthday. 


  1. Congrats on the PR. I haven't been able to get back on the training schedule after the Hop run. I need a another goal I guess. Happy Birthday too!!


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