A Different Type of Journey

I'm getting a crown this month. Unfortunately it isn't gold, it doesn't have diamonds, and there is no title associated with it.
No, I got to wade into the swamp of dental work this week. Not something many people look forward to, except for maybe the dentist.
My back tooth needs a crown, so earlier this week my first appointment included a number of drills and numbing material and 2 hours in the dentist's chair. And then a week (or maybe more, who knows?) of not being able to chew on one side of my mouth. And not eat hard, crunchy food. (So long beloved cashews.)
But there is a positive side to this! I've been much more aware of what I'm eating. I haven't been prone to mindless snacking, -- which has played right into the journey I have been on since summer ...
Back in August I went clothes shopping with my teen girls. It was depressing. Nothing fit right, everything looked dumpy on me. And I was not used to this! I was the kid who could eat anything and not worry about it. Only in pregnancy did the scales go a certain way. My mom used to say, Just wait, once you hit a certain age, you won't be able to eat just anything. (She was right. Moms usually are!)
So I decided to quit griping (to myself) and do something about it. I happened to find the book "Run to Lose" in a secondhand book store and I dove in. I began keeping track of everything I eat. I weighed myself once a day - first thing in the morning is best! And I tracked my exercise. I found out I eat lots of carbs. Love em, can't live without them. And they are not the enemy. Also discovered sugar is high on my list (working on that!) and I didn't eat enough fruits and veggies (yes, my husband was right on that too).
So my grocery habits have changed a little; my eating habits have changed; and unfortunately at this point my exercise habits have changed. I injured myself somewhere along the way, long before this summer, and have had to completely stop everything. No more running. No long walks with the dogs or children. No bike rides (which is ok at this time of year). Weight lifting at home has been ok, but otherwise I'm resting my leg as much as I can.
The short story is I am down 9 pounds since August. It might not sound like much to some people, but 4 months into this and I can actually see and feel progress. Sure, there are days when I have more of the other stuff than the good stuff. But I know it's a work in progress, and I know it's a season in life (how many more cliches can I throw in?!)
So thank you to my dentist for helping me on this journey.
And the kids will be calling me Queen Mother soon.


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