GO for it

There was a time when having something going on every night of the week made me so excited, and by the weekend I was ready for more fun.
That time has passed.
We have had something going on every night for the past 11 days straight, along with the daily events and fun things thrown in there to keep my homeschool kids from rising up and firing me.
Last weekend we went to Seattle for the day to see my niece married to a great guy. It was fun to show the two younger girls who went with us, the sites of Seattle, even though those sights were found due to a couple of missed turns.

Earlier in the week my sisters and I took the two youngsters to a Nativity 'festival'. We visited a place that had a large room/gym (?) full of Nativity scenes. It was like they could read my mind. I love Nativities, and am slowly gathering my own collection of them. But this collection from all over the world was just ... well it made me happy! These pictures are just a few of what we saw. The ducks are for my friend in Texas - Amy, I thought of you!

Yesterday The Girl Who Swims spent the day at college. She was gone overnight on Thursday, hanging out with people I did not know, had never met, or talked to. (Mama Bear is learning to let go.) She had a wonderful time, even with the scholarship-competition part of it (well, mostly, not everything about competing was wonderful, but overall yes.) Now we're just praying that she gets the maximum amount if this is the school she is to go to.

Meanwhile back at home, our Lady of the Stage has had her first two REAL performances in front of live audiences. She's had to deal with props breaking during her scene, people falling over, and some improv to keep it going. But her role as Frieda in Charlie Brown has been great. And watching a number of other kids I know in the show too -- what fun it is to scene these teens/kids take on this big play and do a great job at it.

But wait there's more. Drop one kid off, and go get another one to their activity. Some days it feels like I am in the car more than not. Thankfully I have three other drivers in the house! We managed to squeeze in a quick trip to a tree farm for our Christmas tree - just in time! They closed the next morning due to NO more trees!

This girl went from college dreaming to swim meet streaming to dancing queen. She'll be needing a nap tomorrow!


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