Field Trip Friday

Back in the day, when I was in kindergarten, I remember my wonderful teacher taking us to the local station to look around. I've been in awe of that place ever since.
Today some other moms and I took our kids to a local fire station for a tour and visit. The kids were duly impressed by the weight of the turnouts and the size of the fire trucks. And the firemen and women were great dealing with the age range of kids, the questions, the comments.
The kids got to climb in the trucks and ambulance; operate a hose and feel the power. At the end they all received a little fire hat and safety booklet. While we were finishing up, a call came in and the personnel ran to save the day. The kids were in awe of the lights and sirens.
On the way home my little Chef said, "If I don't have a restaurant when I grow up, I am going to be a fire-fighter."


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