Friday before the weekend

I got to hear the baby's heartbeat today! It gave me a sense of peace in my mind that the little one is still chugging along, even though I don't always feel so good. And I haven't gained much weight. One pound. 14 weeks. The doctor isn't concerned, so I need not, right?
I knew I shouldn't have posted anything yesterday about no hives. I went all day without a Zyrtec and then, boom, right before bedtime they come out of hiding. Bummer. I think it might have something to do with either the cold I am getting or the flu shot I had earlier in the week. Last time I got sick I had them. My weird body.
This weekend we will hopefully be working on the deck. It is a mud pit now. Maybe we can get in a small game of mud football before the cement is poured. The boy would love that! Oh, and there is that small thing about costumes and candy ... I think that is tomorrow... the kids will let me know.


  1. So... on the hives... I have a good friend who had them her entire pregnancy - then they found out it was an Rh factor incompatability thing and she had to be on special medication to protect the baby for the remainder of the pregnancy.... I'll have to ask her about that.

    There really is nothing quite like hearing that little heartbeat, is there? One of my favorite things was seeing my son's teensy tiny perfectly formed fingers on the first ultrasound at 9 weeks gestation - I didn't know before then that the hands would be perfect by then. Wow! God is amazing!


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