
For some of you who care, I am going to write about my medical condition.
This pregnancy has been a lesson in flexibility. At the beginning my hives were going crazy. I never knew what I would wake up with. But now! I wake up without hives! Wow! No crazy itching first thing in the morning! No puffy lips or eyelids! What a wonderful change these hormones have wrought on my body.
Of course, the fear is still there, ever present when I go eat somewhere outside of the house. Lurking in the back of my mind - Is this going to affect me? So far, it has been about a year since something I ate at a restaurant had an immediate reaction. But the fear lurks.
My evening sickness has finally faded. The first trimester was pretty bad. After every supper I had to lay on the couch and hold my stomach. If G. was home I could groan and whimper for support; But now! Now I can go for a walk, go to the store, go grade homework, after eating the meal. My energy is slowly coming back, one nap a day seems to do the trick. Lots and lots of food and water also helps! And ice cream.
Life is good. God is great.


  1. I am so far behind on blogging. I just now learned that you are expecting - congratulations! I'll be praying for a wonderful remainder of your pregnancy, and healthy baby!


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