
I decided to take a day off today, and we headed to the coast. My sister C. came along too. What a beautiful morning it was at the coast! The sun was just barely peeking through the clouds. There was no rain and no wind at the time we stopped to look. But the waves - oh they were tremendous!

After spending some time at my sister L's house (she's about a mile from the beach) we headed out to see the waves up close. And maybe walk on the sand a little. It was cold so we didn't stay long. By this time - afternoon - the sun was just about gone, and the clouds were beginning to let little drops out on us. The kids had fun running across the sand hills, and through the grasses there.

My sister C and I had a nice time just watching the huge waves rolling in. The dark section in this photo below is a wave, not a rock. They were amazing, rolling in from way way out there, crashing against the jetty, and so loud, the boom of the water hitting the rock was incredible.

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