St.Valentine's Day Update
So as I expected, our 'holiday' was low-key. The kitchen was a chaotic mess because G is working on installing the last of the countertops. Which means removing the stove, the sink, and refrigerator.
This is what the kitchen looked like for Saturday and Sunday. Thankfully we were able to move everything back by 11 pm last night, and I was able to make pancakes for breakfast this morning. No cereal, because all the bowls were dirty and we had yet to run the dishwasher for the weekend.
And I was actually able to do something fun with the younger girls' hair. I saw a photo from a friends' facebook page and the girls wanted their hair the same way. Can you see the hearts? Of course the laughs came when we took it out last night and they had some wild hair!
We are taking the day off from school today
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