2 weeks

We've been in school for two weeks. Normally, this isn't an anniversary that most people notice.
But to me, it means my girl has been gone away from home for two weeks, to the school building. And she still likes it! Hurrah! She is learning so many things in academia; the girls at her school have been so nice to her, inclusive for the most part, not exclusive. That was one of my fears - the cliques that middle schoolers can have. But from what I have heard from my girl, she's making friends, and always has someone to sit with during lunchtime! (phew!)
And at home here, schooling just 2 girls while dealing with a 3 year old has been much easier for me. Partly because Little K likes to sit and do bookwork at the same time. Miss M has really taken to a science project from her book. She lobbied, successfully, for a terrarium, and started building it up the night she brought home the container. So far, we've only got one bug in there, but I think she is working on finding more. I love it when the kids dig into a project like that!
Let's see if it lasts another two weeks.


  1. I'm so glad S is enjoying school and that the kids are being so welcoming! You're right - middle schoolers can sometimes be mean. And good luck on the bug project!


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