
* We had a birthday this weekend. My 7 year old turned into an 8 year old.
She is full of spunk and sass and sweetness. She will tell anyone just about anything. And sometimes it bothers me, but most of the time I am blessed by this gift God has given her.
A tradition we try to do in our house on birthdays is to go around the table and have everyone say at least one nice thing about the Birthday Person. And as parents, I think we were, once again, blessed by our children and how they see their sister.
So we had a birthday party for another relative on Friday night; we celebrated our girl with our little family on Sat night, and then had a the grandparents and aunts/uncle over for a party for her on Sunday.
I've had enough cake and ice cream for at least 3 days. And I hope to go run some of it off this week. If I can find the time and the energy. My Little K looks like she is coming down with a cold (too many late night parties for that one) and I am feeling it.
* Did I mention I signed up for a marathon? Oh yes. I am finally going to do it. I've talked about it for a few years now, and it took my niece to motivate me to actually plunge in and sign up. We're going to do it together - I don;'t know how much we stay together, but we'll at least encourage each other during training somehow, and start the race together. She's going to be living in another country while it's training time, but I think just knowing we're in it together is going to be a huge help.
* So Fall has begun here. Rain, rain and more rain. Cold feet, sweaters, and the first load of firewood in the shed. I look forward to football games, cross country, baking in the oven again, and watching a crackling fire. I love the change in seasons .. just not the rain.


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