
((It has taken nearly a week for me to write this post. argh! Every time I sit down to write, I get interrupted. Sheesh, it's almost like I have 3 kids at home who need an education ... oh, yeah, maybe that's why. So if it doesn't flow too well, you'll know why.))

A whole week has gone by since school has started. It has gotten easier each day to send the older two off to school. Not that I don't miss them - we've just gotten into routine now, back in the swing of things: school lunches, the bus times, schedules, sports, and all the trappings of the day.
But this past weekend G and I were finally able to get a weekend away. We hadn't gone away all summer; and with all his traveling, we needed some time for just us, without the kids. So we unloaded the girls on my brother and sister-in-law (who were happy to see them) and the Boy had a cross country meet away for the weekend.
And we headed west.
With the points G accumulates from traveling, we were able to get a hotel room in Seaside. This is not a place we normally go, so it was fun to look around this charming little town. We found a local pizza shop to eat in Friday night, enjoying some yummy Italian calzone and stromboli. We aren't big into seafood, so the cliche beach = fish doesn't necessarily apply. Unless it is our beloved clam chowder. That is the one seafood we go for when we are at the coast. We had beautiful weather too - which is so weird for the Oregon coast. It was sunny and warm, and we didn't even need our sweatshirts. We traveled along the coastline, stopping for ice cream, and a little shopping, and then a walk on the beach. Except, the walk on the beach we wanted wasn't happening. We stopped in Pacific City - a new treasure to our family, - I had wanted to show G the dunes and drive-on-the-beach area that the kids and I had gone to. Sadly for us, everyone and their watercraft had the same idea. The beach was crowded with cars, trucks, ski-do's; there was a cherry-picker way up in the air with the judges and loudspeaker. We stayed for a few minutes to look at the competition, but couldn't figure it out. So we drove on down the highway. We finally ended up at one of our regular beaches; there were few people there, the sun was still warm, the breeze was easy, and we had a long beach to walk on. Plus, there was the lure of clam chowder right up the road at Mo's.
So even though there were some setbacks to our pre-made plans, it all worked out and we enjoyed our weekend 'alone'.

(Photos? you ask. Photos? Well, all the pictures were taken by G's phone, because some blonde forgot to pack the actual camera. Maybe if we ever get them downloaded I can post a few.)


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