May Flowers

We had a few princesses over for tea this past weekend. We brought out the special girls' tea sets, and prepared plenty of dainty food for little fingers.

 Little K had her first friends birthday party this time. She was able to invite 4 friends over to celebrate with a tea party. They played games, they ate food, they drank "tea" (lemonade), the made princess party hats. And Little K came away with some nice gifts! Plenty of princessy items, lots of bubbles (yay!) and a baby doll.
 She loves her babies, and is taking some time on making sure this new one has just the right name. 2 days later, and I am not sure if she has settled on a name or not yet.
 She also got a beautiful dress. That lights up. And sings. Yes, a singing dress. By the end of the evening, the rest of us were all quite done with the song, but she loves that dress, and its matching, singing, bracelet.
I wonder how long the batteries will last. Hopefully not until she is 6.


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