
15 days into the new year.
I'll share with you some of what has been happening around here.
It was a rough week last week. And it is going to be tough for a little longer, emotionally.

I had planned on writing here at least weekly, but then we had some kick-in-the-stomach moments that derailed my plans. We got some news that sent my thoughts to tumbling, like towels and sheets in the dryer -- you know how they get twisted and turned around and fall all over? That's what the thoughts in my head were doing, and I couldn't make sense of them. All I could do was pray for the people affected even deeper by the latest events. So forgive me if this post doesn't flow well, or if it rambles.

A week into the New Year we heard that the son of a family in our church, had died. He was 19. In our viewpoint that was not the time to go to heaven. And my mama-heart hurts for his mama, who now has to face each day without her firstborn. I drive by their house and tears come to my eyes as I hurt for them.
A couple of days after this tragedy, we got the news that the Mr's Boss had died. He was maybe 40. He had been battling cancer for a few years. We had been praying, since the day the Mr. met him, that he would be healed; that his kids would grow up with their dad by their sides. But last Sunday God called him home to heaven. And my wife-heart hurts for that Mrs left here to raise their kids without him.  
Both the Boss and the other young man were amazing people, full of love for everyone, full of laughter. I think that is one word that will often be used to describe both of these men - laughter.
The Boss was full of giving, even up to the end. I met him a handful of times, and he touched my life with his amazing strong faith in God's goodness, in his love for other, and his joy of life. The Mr. went to the Boss' memorial service today (I was unable to go due to commitments I couldn't get out of) and he said it was a difficult one. I can't imagine, I can only hurt for that family, and pray for them to get through the day.
We'll go as a family to our friends' service next week, and we will hurt and cry and pray alongside them and many others.


  1. last night after I read this, I opened my monthly devotional book to the evening prayers. and there were the prayers specifically for those who have lost loved ones, for those suffering illnesses, and for those who comfort the grieving. Prayers going out for you and all those families you mentioned.


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