So this is Christmas

Merry Christmas from all of us!

Christmas came even though I wasn't fully "prepared".
((I'm planning on sending those cards and letters out ..... this week. ))

I did get the gifts all taken care of in time.
So my little family had our Christmas party the Eve before. My kids went all out this year. I was so proud. Now that they are able to work some, they have some spending money. And this year they bought gifts for each sibling and parents. So the 7 of us - times that many gifts (at least one per person) meant we had a lovely pile under the tree. It was so fun to see them give each other the gifts they had spent time and thought on. I think it was one of my favorite moments.

And I did get the house (mostly) cleaned. Our company didn't seem to mind the dust bunnies too much. We had a blast with the cousins! The Mr.s family arrived on Christmas afternoon and the games began. The teasing, the jokes, the good conversation, the jostling of 13 of us in our house - then 15 when the grandparents came to the party.
 It was a very joyous time. We had some late nights playing games and laughing at each other er, laughing ourselves silly.The grand finale of the day was the Christmas Can Can. And that was probably one of my favorite moments.

 Family and fun - totally worth the dust bunnies.


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