
Things get a little crazy here in Oregon when the sun comes out.  It's like gold to us and we stream outside to partake of the riches. My daughter drags out her shorts and tank tops and tries to sneak past me to the outside. (But even though it IS warmer, I still make her wear pants and socks and shoes and t-shirts.)
I haven't gotten in the habit of taking my camera everywhere but you'll have to trust me that we had a beautiful walk on Sunday out in the sunshine. My sister and I took the younger girls to the park while the boys stayed home and watched a football game. The older girls finished up their homework and then watched their dad, er, I mean, Peyton Manning play football. (Side note to those not on Facebook: my husband has been told numerous times, often from complete strangers, that he looks just like Peyton.)

So we walked on the park trails, and then we drove to another park, rode the carousel, and let the girls play on the playground. As the sun went down, the playground emptied, and the hungry grumpy children 'appeared'. So we took the girls home to get some supper.
And then yesterday we were blessed with more! sunshine. I tried to get the girls out for a run, but it just didn't work. I think they were kind of tired from the previous day's two mile walk. So later in the day they played outside all afternoon, and I was able to get yardwork done. It's the one rare time of year when I actually want to pull weeds and clean the yard.
Today's reward was . . . More Sunshine! Instead of dragging the girls out, I snapped the leash on our dog and took her for a 3 mile run/walk. It was glorious. I haven't gone 3 miles in a long time. Maybe now this is the push to get me back out there. At least until the rains come back.


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