Time for something new

Age is just a number.

The Mr's number just went up one today. But it doesn't seem to be slowing him down any.
About 7+ years ago or so, I had to stop running because I was pregnant. I ran my last 5k for that season, in Sept of 2009. Around that time, the Mr decided to take up running. It wasn't something he did since I had met him in 1992. He was into cycling and mountain climbing back then. As time went by, as kids came along, as work and life got more demanding, cycling and mountain climbing kind of took a back seat. And then running came into his life. So at an age around 40, he ran his first half marathon (after a few 5k's). He hasn't really stopped since then. Around that same time he also took his first swim lessons.
Even though water is not his best friend, he keeps at it today. He has completed 2 sprint triathlons, which has taken hours and hours of training. So, I just have to say, I'm pretty proud of this guy - to go from zero to numerous half marathons and a couple of triathlons (with more in the future) - at an age when a lot of other competitors have been at it for much longer - makes me pretty happy for him.
Like a wise man I know said, "If you're not dead, you're not done."


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