2020 vision

Back in the beginning of 2019 I started a list... (have I ever mentioned I thrive on lists?) .. of all the books I read in the year. Originally I did this to make sure I didn't repeat a book. In the past I've started a book and thought it seemed familiar and by the middle I realize I've already read it but I'm into it so I finish it. This past year I wanted to avoid that. Plus it was fun to look back on at the end of the year to see what I put into my brain.
My average for each month was about 8 depending on the events of that season. December was the lowest with only 3 books read. October was the highest with 10. That was when we were in the rental house waiting to move on with our lives.
My favorite book of this year... is too hard to choose! I've read a lot of good ones. I also read some I didn't like and didn't finish. And I reread a few from my past, some classics like Little Men, To Kill a Mockingbird, Persuasion,
I found as the year went on I liked alternating a fiction fun book with a non fiction thinking book or biography.

I always like it when someone else tells me about a book they like (I'm forever hitting down the titles my pastor references in his sermons). So about the time we were in our holding pattern at the rental house I started reviewing my reads on an Instagram feed @julikenyon. It makes me think about why I like a book; it makes my brain work on articulation, which I need to do; and it keeps me mindful of what I put in my brain and what I share with others.
I've got a list already culled from others (my niece; and one of my favorite bloggers ) to start reading this year. I'm excited to get to the library and check out some books!


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