
Ever had day when the hair just wouldn't work? When the clothes just didn't fit right? 
Maybe it's been more than a day. 
Maybe it feels like months, or years. 
For some reason ladies seem to deal with this a lot more than men. I know, men do have their days too, but we all know a lot of social media is focused on how the girl appears.
Yesterday evening a family member was lamenting her hair. She was close to wailing. She just "want(ed) it to be normal". Sound like something you've said, or heard? Thankfully my husband was right there and could talk to this distraught person about how beautiful she is and how wonderfully made she is. God doesn't make junk. But Satan would sure love to distort that.
Oh and this family member ....she's only 9. Yeah, it starts at a young age, this desire to be like others, to be 'beautiful' as the world sees beautiful. Her dilemma made me stop and think about how I talk about myself, and how I deal with those days of not feeling good enough. 
One of my favorite music groups, Mercy Me, has a song out called "Beautiful". The lyrics are: 

The days will come when you don't have the strength
When all you hear is you're not worth anything
Wondering if you ever could be loved
And if they truly saw your heart they'd see too much
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are made for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His
You're beautiful
And praying that you have the heart to find
Cause you are more than what is hurting you tonight
For all the lies you've held inside so long
And they are nothing in the shadow of the cross

-chorus -
Before you ever took a breath
Long before the world began
Of all the wonders He possessed
There was one more precious
Of all the earth and skies above
You're the one He madly loves
Enough to death
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
In His eyes

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His

How do I get my daughter(s) to believe this? How do I remind myself of this? We are beautiful. We are made in the image of God. Fighting lies with the truth is hard some days, but so worth the battle. It's a part of parenthood I wasn't prepared for ... (and I thought I would have all boys too!) 
So we'll be monitoring the social media use more closely; we'll be reminding her and her sisters of their inner beauty along with their outer beauty; and we'll be watching our own comments about appearances. 


  1. I love that song too.
    If we could find the beauty of Christ in ourselves, maybe we can more easily find Christ in others.


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