
This year (2019) has brought many changes to our family.
It's funny how traditions are made and cherished and... protected. For many many many years we have gone to a certain tree farm to cut our Christmas tree. We would bundle up the kids, make sure the baby of that year was snuggly warm, make sure I had a camera! and head out. There were the farm dogs there which the kids loved to pet especially those years we didn't have our own pups. There was hot chocolate and cookies to look forward to in the warm barn after we found just the right tree.
But then the kids got bigger and busier and we didn't always go as a complete family.
I remember one year the Mr was sick and the Boy took on the cutting and carrying duties.
This year was very different from all others. My older kids were still away at college; the two middle kids had a load of homework to tackle, my husband was fixing the plumbing (bc a working kitchen sink is pretty important) .... So the youngest child and I went out to get our tree. Just the 2 of us. And we did it. I cut, she helped me move it and we got it home.

And it's beautiful and we all like it, in spite of its non-traditional arrival.


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