In the kitchen

Our third born child, the lil' Chef, loves food of all kinds. How many 6 year olds do you know that have to be told, "Stop eating the cabbage, you'll get sick!" (or the broccoli.)? How many 3 year olds like to get cauliflower for their birthdays? yep, that's our girl.

Someday she wants to open her own restaurant. She says Dad and I can eat there for free. (I am totally encouraging this dream.) Her first menu she has written up already: cereal, lettuce, milk, bread. She got the idea from a picture of the food pyramid hanging in out cabinet. I'll be encouraging a broader menu.

In the kitchen she likes to help when she can. It has taken some effort on my own part to actually let her help. It isn't always easy to be patient when I just want to get the cooking job done. Unlike this child, I'm not big on cooking. Baking, I love. Cooking, not so much. (When my husband is away on trips, we eat a lot of waffles and easy-cook non-meals.)

So, back to our girl; she is the one most unlike either of her parents. We scratch our heads at this girls' personality. The older two, and the youngest, siblings reflect their parents. This one, we just don't know where she came from. But we love her so much because of it.
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