These kids continue to amaze me!
They got themselves up this morning, got breakfast for each other, got dressed in church clothes, and the oldest did all the girls' hair. They did all of this quietly enough so that the Farmer and I could continue sleeping - since we had only fallen into bed at 3:30 am.
I picked my husband up at the airport last night around 1:15 in the morning *yawn* and then we had to get the luggage; *yawn* and pay for parking; *yawn* and then we drove back to our town and dropped off other members of the team that went to Spain with my husband; *yawn* and then we came home and fell into bed. *snore*
But the sunlight came up anyway, not necessarily respecting our craving for sleep. The kids got themselves going, and finally the Princess' morning voice - which seems louder than her daytime voice! - woke us up. The kids and I made it out the door in plenty of time to catch the second service while the Farmer slept on.
I just can't do all-nighters like I used to.


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