We had relatives come to stay this last week. (One of the many reasons I have not been on my blog in a while).

Here we have the Farmer and his older brother.
They are being slightly goofy for the camera. There was a lot of this going on this weekend.
When the other brother is in the mix, it is one grand time!

Here they are being, slightly, a bit more, serious for the camera.

These are the sons. Our boy is on the left. Cousin D is on the right.
These two are the only boys in the mix of with 9 girl cousins.

I just love this picture. Now that lil' cousin is old enough, the 2 boys had a fun time doing boy stuff around the house. Our Boy had a shadow and I think he liked it!
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  1. Isn't it interesting when the older brother comes to visit? My husband's only living sibling is 15 years his senior. When he comes - well, they get goofy!

    And my boy can totally relate on the cousin front - he's the only male cousin on his Dad's side of the family. He feels mighty outnumbered when we're able to gather together! Although I think he's pretty relieved that the husbands of the older cousins are pretty cool guys who like to include him in their shenanigans! :)

  2. Cousin D just giggled when he saw the photo of the two boys. "How did you get that on the compouter?" was his question. I have yet to download vacation pics.


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