Word of the Week

"Shemomedah" -- sha-mom-eh-dah
We use this word around the house when someone asks, "huh?" in response to something we have said to them.
For example, "My parents are coming for dinner and I need you to get the eggs out of the refrigerator and put them next to the stove." "Huh?" "Shemomedah?!" It has to be said with a hint, just a hint, of sarcasm. It's almost like saying, "What? you didn't hear me?" It is a good word to catch someone's attention and get them to listen.
The story behind this word comes from my brother-in-law, the middle son of that family. The story was told to me by the Farmer, so third hand now, it might not be quite the same as the original. He'll have to let me know.
Anyway, there was this boy who asked a new acquaintance what his name was, and the guy said something like, "John Jeremiah" (ok, this is the part I am fuzzy on, I remember the Jeremiah but not the rest of the name!) and the first boy did not understand what the new guy said and so he asked, quizzically, "Shemomedah?" as in, he thought the guy said his name was Shemomedah.
And that is why we use it to this day.


  1. His name was Josiah. But close enough

  2. HAH! :) I love it! wonder if i can start using it with my friends and family, if it will catch on. :) (I get the "huh?" a LOT!) -ann


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