The Beach

I love the beach. Have I ever mentioned this? I could sit for a long time and listen and watch. And I don't sit still for long very often.

This past week the family went to the coast for our annual back to school yurt/camp out. We stayed in the same yurt we had tried a few years back. Except this time I had no baby paraphernalia to contend with. No crib, diapers, stroller, blankets, extra extra clothes. The yurts have enough bed space for 5, so we brought along a cot (Thanks go to C.H. for this one!!) and we had enough room.

The weather was gorgeous. It was not typical Oregon coast weather. There was no wind. NO wind! None on the beach; none in the campground. And the sun was shining. The sun! Shining each of the 3 days we were there! We went to bed looking at stars through the sky light. We woke up to a little bit of gray that quickly cleared out.

My little beach bums spent most of the time playing in the water. For anyone who has not been to the Oregon coast - this is rare because our water here is cold. Usually toe-numbing cold. But not this time around. This time they had to be dragged away.

The main activity of that day was building a dam in the little river that ran down to the beach. The Farmer for involved while I sat back and enjoyed the scenery.

Funny thing was, he kept at it long after the kids lost interest. Oh, they came back in spurts to help pack in sand, or bring in sea weed. The girls were the sea weed couriers. My son was too busy throwing rocks into the waves.

Later we were able to take the raft out onto the lake of the campground, and each of the kids got a couple of turns with Dad.

There were games of UNO and sharp shooting marble contests. There were s'mores at the campfire. There was a terrific playground nearby that we enjoyed with the kids. And there was the wonderful clam chowder that tastes good only at the beach.

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  1. Sounds lovely! I've never been to the west coast before. Marbles, s'mores, campfire...heaven on earth!

  2. The water diversion sounds just like his pastor brother. He even did it on our honeymoon 22 years ago. Like the Farmer, he keeps at it long after the kids lose interest.


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