Random Thoughts on a Monday

What is it about zucchini bread with nuts in it? It just tastes too good. I can't stop eating it. At least it's nutritious, right, with all that zucchini in it?! And the kids gobble it up. I am wondering if it is a good enough bribe to take to a friend so she will watch our pets.....

I love to iron. I love the smell of the warm clothes. I love to get the wrinkles out and see the crisp lines. What I don't like is the crisp lines that don't belong there and won't come out! I had to iron today because the pile of clothes needing it was overcoming the hook where I keep them. My husband's shirts are generally wrinkle free if I get them out of the dryer soon enough. But when he wears long sleeve ones, I can't/don't put them in the dryer. I have learned the hard way that they shrink just enough to bother him - being as tall as he is, the arm length is a big deal.

Dogs. Why do we have dogs? The adults of the house are leaning towards sending them to a new home. Yep, we like the idea of a dog. We like to walk with the dog. But boy am I tired of telling the kids to clean up after them, feed them. play with them. The bigger dog, Mudge, left a few nice piles in the garage last week. It was enough to make nearly throw up. My dear sweet man cleaned it up ... muttering the whole time.. but still I didn't have to clean it this time! Last night the same big dog was so bored he chewed up a plastic dog bowl belonging to his little friend Sasha. And now the rains are going to start up in our area and then where will those dogs be ...

My husband and I make a good team. When I am stressed he is so good at bringing me back to reality. And I think, I hope, it is the same way in the reverse. This morning as I was driving to the dentist (yippee) I was stressing about G working at home and watching the kids; I was hoping he wasn't resenting it. (of course he wasn't!) And then I was stressing about an upcoming trip to Montana we are planning. I want it to be just-so for the family, for my husband to be able to get his work done, for us to get out and back in the time we have. And my plans are just not working! Why is it *my* plans aren't the ones to be put into play? God has better plans. ... but do I always listen?! Ha! I spend too much time worrying, thinking, trying not to manipulate, but failing often, to listen to what is God's plan.
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